Purpose and Functions

The purpose of the Academic and Financial Aid Appeals Committee is to review, maintain and abide by standards set forth in state and federal regulations and institutional policy for academic admissions / readmissions and the award and administration of student financial aid (excluding scholarships) of students who are not making Satisfactory Academic Progress in their program. Its functions are to review standards annually and to recommend policies and procedures as necessary and proper to accomplish its purpose. The committee reviews appeals by students who have not maintained the minimum required institutional semester GPA for continued enrollment or admissions / readmissions into East Georgia State College; and reviews all appeals from students whose financial aid has been denied, modified or withdrawn due to circumstances which impeded the successful completion of their academic progress. Permanent records of Committee decisions for each student are maintained by the Registrar.


    • Chair: Registrar;
    • Co-Chair, Director of Financial Aid;
    • Business Affairs representative; and
    • One faculty member from each academic School, nominated by each School and elected by the faculty of that School.

Academic Standing Appeals